Thursday, April 24, 2008

Getting Started..

In my first article I discussed about the two (2) things one MUST have to succeed in online money making – motivation and hard work. This week I will discuss two other important elements in making money online – knowledge base and patience.

There are various ways to make money online which I will discuss in further details on my next articles. I know you’re excited to get started, I was excited too when I first discovered the opportunity of earning extra cash online. And because of my excitement I signed up to every program I come across through the internet and even paid small fees for some of them but just like what I’ve said on my first article, I got scammed! But the good side of it is I learned, and I want to share what I’ve learned to you so that you can avoid from making the same mistakes that I did. Oftentimes too much excitement leads us to make quick decisions without really studying the situation first. This mistake is also common in online money making, many fall into the traps of internet marketing due to inadequate/misleading information. But this kind of mistake can be avoided if you have the right knowledge base.

Like any business, you need to invest first for you to be able to gain profit. And when I say invest I don’t mean spending money or purchasing something, I mean putting some time and effort. You need to build up your knowledge base first to make you profitable in the end and this will take some patience. As I have mentioned in my previous article, the opportunities I will present to you are not “Get Rich Quick” type of programs, these are legitimate programs that pay but they require some time and effort especially when you’re just starting. So you need to get yourself ready to work. But don’t worry, I will try to guide you every step of the way as I have promised. I will provide you with links to legitimate online jobs that I myself have tried and give you some helpful tips on how you can maximize your gains.

On my next article, I will discuss the “Five Surefire Ways To Earn Extra Cash Online”, I know you’ve been waiting for this. I will talk about the most common methods in making money from the internet without spending a single cent or purchasing some things that are of no value. And as we go on, I will keep you updated with my latest discovery of opportunities available on the internet.

In the meantime, I would like to suggest that you begin setting-up your online payment system to get you started. An online payment account is where your earnings or payments from the programs you signed up will be sent. Most internet based programs will require you to have an online payment account during the registration or when signing up. The two most popular of these online payment systems are as follows:

PayPal - PayPal is the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online. PayPal has quickly become a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 153 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global e-commerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages. Click here to sign up for FREE.

AlertPay - AlertPay, a privately owned and managed company founded in 2004, is an electronic wallet (e-wallet) payment system enabling any business or consumer with email to send and receive internet payments securely, quickly and cost-effectively. Click here to sign up for FREE.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Two Things You Must Have To Succeed In Online Money Making..

If you try to surf the internet to find out the requirements in starting internet based and work at home programs, you would probably get answers such as a particular computer equipment, software download and/or installation, internet connection, and some typing skills. Some would even require you to pay a certain amount in exchange for "guaranteed jobs". While these equipments maybe necessary, having these tools and skills will not give you a guaranteed success. So, you’re probably marveling, are there any guarantees that I will succeed in making money online?

To be honest with you there’s no guarantee of success in making money online. Too bad, isn’t it? Yet it’s true. BUT the good news is, you can succeed and it’s entirely up to you! So what do you really need to succeed in making money online?

1) Motivation

I would like to start with what I consider the most basic – motivation. You may have the latest computer model, the sharpest software installed, the fastest internet connection, and the highest typing skills rate in the entire universe but guess what? If you don’t have enough motivation you will not succeed.

I wanted to buy a new laptop. This was my main reason when I first started looking for online and home-based jobs that I can do during my spare time. There are various reasons why people engage in a particular activity or behave in a particular way. These reasons may include fulfilling the basic needs such as food or a desired object such as a laptop or a car, etc. or it maybe as simple as a desire to have fun. For example, why are you reading this article? What motivates you?

Like any other activity, motivation is a key in order for you to succeed in making and maximizing profit from the internet. You need some intelligence, knowledge base, study skills, and time management skills, but if you don't have motivation, you won't get far.

One very important motivator is Interest. Another is a Desire to Learn. These two things always go together and one is useless without the other. You need to link these two for you to create success. Often interest in an endeavor leads to a desire to learn. On the other hand, more learning leads to a greater interest creating an upward spiral of motivation toward a goal you have established.

So be honest with yourself. Are you genuinely interested in making money online? Have you set realistic goals for yourself?

2) Hard Work

DOING is as important as KNOWING. There is a vast of information you can find in books and the internet about all sorts of topics including How to’s but these information are of no value to a person if he/she does not benefit from it. While it is true that knowledge is power, it is the ability to utilize knowledge to solve real world problems or act on something that generates result.

You probably came across already with a number of websites and work at home programs that promise you to “Get Rich Quick” with little or no hard work required. Some of you may even have been a victim of this widely proliferating internet scams. The bad news is there’s no such thing as “Get Rich Quick” in online money making. If you happen to stumble to any of these programs, it’s most likely a scam. I know because I have been a victim of numerous internet scam too. It took me days, weeks, even months before I discovered how to make my PC a cash machine for real. But the opportunity to make money from the internet is real and hard work along with the right knowledge base is a pre-requisite in order to generate good result.

So, if you think you posses the two basic requirements mentioned above then you’re ready to start making money online. On my next posts I will discuss where and how to start. I will provide you with links and several resources you can use for FREE and walk you through step-by-step as much as I can. So do check back for new articles.